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Life in sync

From diving deep into your essence and discovering your purpose in life, to learning revolutionary tools and techniques to help you heal the relationship you have with yourself.

It’s time for a life in sync.

courses about me

life in sync

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Energetic and warm, I'm Lisa—driven by a deep passion for the connection between mind and body. I'll show you how they can work together or challenge each other, and guide you in regaining control when needed.

Coaching and facilitating are my true passions, and it brings me immense joy to be alongside you throughout your life's journey. It's about empowering your self-regulation skills and radical self-acceptance with a generous dose of kindness.

My path back to my authentic self mirrors my journey to becoming a facilitator. After engaging with psychologists, coaches, delving into books, and pursuing life coaching training, my quest for the right path led me to a course that felt like a breath of fresh air. Completing that course inspired me to immediately enroll in their facilitator program.

This transformative journey allowed me to extend kindness and acceptance to every aspect of myself. This personal growth then paved the way for me to embody the coach and facilitator I aspired to be.

During this intensive self-exploration I realized it was time to merge these experiences, and with newfound confidence, present myself authentically to the world as a coach and, most importantly, as my true self. I am truly excited to embark on this journey with you!



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earth game

Imagine leaving behind the pressure of perfectionism and stepping into a realm of unshakeable self-confidence and self-love.

Why wait for a potential crash when you can soar with unwavering self-assurance? The Earth Game empowers you to ditch the never-ending pursuit of perfection and heal the relationship you have with yourself.

Start taking ownership today and begin to love the game of life.

I'm in!

earth game

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Ready to unleash that inner confidence? If the answer is a resounding "yes," then let's get acquainted. Schedule an intake session for one of my courses, and let's kickstart your journey to unlocking your full potential together.

free intakemail me




Ready to unleash that inner confidence? If the answer is a resounding "yes," then let's get acquainted. Schedule an intake session for one of my courses, and let's kickstart your journey to unlocking your full potential together.

free intakemail me



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Energetic and warm, I'm Lisa—driven by a deep passion for the connection between mind and body. I'll show you how they can work together or challenge each other, and guide you in regaining control when needed.

Coaching and facilitating are my true passions, and it brings me immense joy to be alongside you throughout your life's journey. It's about empowering your self-regulation skills and radical self-acceptance with a generous dose of kindness.

My path back to my authentic self mirrors my journey to becoming a facilitator. After engaging with psychologists, coaches, delving into books, and pursuing life coaching training, my quest for the right path led me to a course that felt like a breath of fresh air. Completing that course inspired me to immediately enroll in their facilitator program.

This transformative journey allowed me to extend kindness and acceptance to every aspect of myself. This personal growth then paved the way for me to embody the coach and facilitator I aspired to be.

During this intensive self-exploration I realized it was time to merge these experiences, and with newfound confidence, present myself authentically to the world as a coach and, most importantly, as my true self. I am truly excited to embark on this journey with you!



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